Dear Friends,
As many of you know, I've been on a health kick for the last few years. Well, that health kick has turned into a meaningful lifestyle change, so I'm doing something a little crazy for this holiday season—ninety days of something, that is. I'm doing a ninety-day challenge. From November 1 to February 4 I am choosing not to eat processed sugar or flour.
The Reason
I've a hit a plateau in my weight-loss journey, and I'm been stuck around 185 pounds for the last couple of months. So I've decided to do something about it.
This has been a familiar number the last couple of months. I've been bouncing between 181-185. |
Introducing #90DaysChoosingHealthy! (It's the cool thing to do these days to include a hashtag, right?) I don't really like the word
diet, but how do you say that you're making adjustments to your food lifestyle without making it sound creepy or weird? I haven't figured that out yet, but that's what I'm doing: making changes to what I eat and how much I eat. It's been a slow process for me. I've lost eighty pounds in the last five years. It's something that's in constant motion. I know that I'll make mistakes, and that's okay. As long as I can get up and keeping pushing forward, that's what matters.
The past couple of months have been stressful, and I needed some motivation. This idea got me excited. I find it a lot easier to say, "I'm choosing to be healthy" rather than "I can't eat that." I like how this sounds: "I'm choosing to eat veggies because I want to." Or this: "I'm choosing to eat healthy because it makes me feel good."
The Deets
For ninety days (starting today), I'll be choosing to eat more veggies, protein, fruits, and legumes, and avoiding processed sugars and flours (in essence, treats, candy, delicious baked goods). I'm aiming for a more low-carb diet, meaning I'm not going to load up on pastas or white breads. Every day I'll choose
healthy over
sugar cravings,
better food over
instant gratification processed-food from a plastic package.
The exceptions are the holidays: Thanksgiving Day and the day after (because leftover pie for breakfast—I am definitely choosing that); Christmas Eve and Christmas Day; New Year's Eve; and Martin Luther Day. On those days I'm going to enjoy food, family, and fun.
Oh, and I haven't forgotten about exercise. That's in there too.
My goal is to be 165 pounds by Jan. 30, 2016
The Reward
Isn't losing the weight reward enough? Sure. But going to California to visit my sister and Disneyland is even better. Happy February birthday to me. :)
How You Can Help
It's the holidays and one way to show love to others is by giving away delicious baked goods. I really appreciate those baked goods (oh, how I do!), but here's a confession: I'm a sugar addict. Once I start, I cannot stop. My self-control leaps out a window leaving my sugar-addicted taste buds completely in charge! And they do not make the best choices for the body. No, they do not. It's hard to say no to those awesome-looking cupcakes that are in bakeries throughout Utah County (I'm looking at you, Sweet Tooth Fairy Gourmet Bake Shop). But I'm going to do it.
I love notes! |
So instead of baked goodies, I have a couple of suggestion. Write me instead. Send me a card, a letter, an email, a FB message—anything really. I love hearing from my friends and family and I promise to send something back. Or, if you're close by, spend some time with me. Let's go for a walk (wait, snow will be flying soon... do you like to snowshoe?). Or let's meet up and have homemade soup. I'm open to suggestions. :) If you don't have my address, let me know and I'll send it to you. A third option is Amazon gift cards... won't say no that!
I appreciate your help with this journey I'm undertaking. I know great things can (and will) happen. And I love you all. Here's to choosing healthy every day!
Happy holidays!
Melissa J. Caldwell
aka Simply Melly Jean
P.S. Follow me on Twitter or Instagram to see my journey. Yep, I'm doing one of those "pics a day" things too. Haha! Wish me luck!
P.P.S. Feel free to join me. Adapt it to your own needs and let's go on the journey together.
Twitter: @caldwelleditor
Instagram: editorcaldwell