Monday, September 28, 2015

What's in a Name?

Naming things has never been a strong suit of mine. When I was little, I often called my stuffed animals with simple, descriptive names: Mr. Black Bear (a black bear), Brownie (another bear that was brown), Mayor Seal (a stuffed seal who was the mayor of my stuffed animals), and so on. The same goes for my photos. I often name them "Timp 1," "Timp 2," and so on.

I know. I'm sooooooo creative.

When it came time to choose a name for my calendar, I honestly didn't know what to call it. So I did my usual thing when coming up with ideas: I brainstormed. I wrote down a bunch of things that I thought would be okay, narrowed the list down, and then sent my ideas to the production manager so she could see what upper management liked. (A pretty good system, I think. I may apply it someday when I have children. Bless my poor (future) husband's heart! haha!)

"God's Wonder" was the winner.

Have you ever looked at something you created and thought, "Did I really make this? It's beautiful (or amazing or pretty)"? I know I did when I first started doing HDR photography. It thrilled me to see how something that started out looking pretty unoriginal could turn into something so pretty. A few times I sat back and said, "Wow! Did I really just create that?" Those moments of awe—those moments of wonder—filled me completely, and I wanted to create more. These moments inspire me and help me to feel happy.

And maybe that's how I thought up this particular title. I feel that nature is God's way of showing His love for us. He takes something that can be unoriginal and plain and turns it into something that is wonderful to behold. He sees the potential there. Perhaps He sees all of His creations (including us) in this same way. We can all become part of that moment of awe, that moment of wonder. We can all feel God's wonder.

"God's Wonder" is available on and Check it out!

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