Friday, November 11, 2011

The Good Earth . . . and other news

When I finished listening to The Good Earth by Pearl S. Buck, I felt a little bit more knowledgeable about of Chinese culture. This book is a Pulitzer Prize winner for a reason: it is really, really well written. Not having read Pearl S. Buck before now, I went in without having any expectations. And I was surprised how much I liked this book even as it tackled such topics of marriage, culture versus nature, and the role of women. There are other themes, of course, but these struck me the most. This is the kind of book that makes people think and evaluate their own lives. I recommend it.

In other news, I'm doing NaNoWriMo (National Novel Writing Month) and have written over 15,000 words in 10 days. Boo-yah! And in the meantime of that, I'm also reading a book for my sister's book club (it's one I chose, which makes it even better.) And I'll be helping to write a blog about our experiences as a book club as we discuss the book. This is going to be good. :) If you're interested in checking it out, I'll be promoting it as soon as we create it. My sister and I are interested in hearing other people's opinions about books. You never know what you'll learn. 

And in other, other news, I'm running a Turkey Trot on Thanksgiving. Please, oh please, don't let it be freezing!

Till next time!


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