Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Running, running, running...

Yes, I'm in the middle of the busiest week at work. Yes, I feel stressed. Yes, I'm trying my best to balance work, friends, and home life. But all I can think about lately is running.

Weird, I know.

I started running this week, and you know, the most surprising part is that it's not as difficult to get up at 5:45 a.m. as I thought it would be. Seriously. I roll over in bed, groan for a minute or two, then get up and go. Of course, I've been preparing myself for weeks by getting up early to exercise using my Wii. Good times running in place and doing arm and leg exercises.

The second most surprising part is I actually want to run.  If only my legs and ankles would cooperate with my vision of running elegantly down the street.

In the mean time, if you see me running so early in the morning, give a shout of encouragement, will ya? I would sure appreciate it.



  1. You go girl!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You are so awesome! If I was there to see you running I would definitely give you a shout out! Wait, if I was there, I surely would not be awake at that time! You are amazing! Keep it up!

  2. YOU CAN DO IT!!!! It only gets better, really, so if you're this motivated now, you're going to do great!
