Tuesday, June 21, 2011

The Mortal Instruments continuation

Two more books down! I'm definitely on a roll! I finished reading City of Glass, and City of Fallen Angels.


These books are somewhat addicting and I will admit they're like my secret guilty pleasure. City of Glass wraps up the quite nicely the first two books. It has a lot of action, resolves a lot of the story lines, and gives the reader a satisfactory ending. City of Fallen Angels, on the other hand, is a blatant cliffhanger. It builds and builds, pretty much stressing me out, and then there's some wrapping, then bam! cliffhanger! What the?! In any case, now I have to wait for a few months until the fifth book comes out.

And, fyi, Fallen Angels is just a little bit more steamier than any of the other books, which kinda surprised. Definitely a PG-13 rating.

New goal: to finish Eldest. Seriously. I gotta finish that book...